
Sabio Group Aims to Unearth Next STEAM ‘Superstar’ Following University Prize Sponsorship

  • The digital customer experience (CX) transformation specialist is sponsoring Glasgow Caledonian University’s (GCU) ‘Software Development for Business’ course 
  • Sabio is funding the prize for top performing third year undergraduate student of 2021/22  
  • Sponsorship also includes donation to GCU’s STEAM Fund aimed at widening access and diversity into STEAM-related programmes 

Sabio Group is aiming to unearth the next STEAM ‘superstar’ following its prize sponsorship of a top University software course. 

The digital customer experience (CX) transformation specialist is supporting Glasgow Caledonian University’s ‘Software Development for Business’ programme. 

Sabio is funding the prize for the course’s top performing third year undergraduate, as well as providing a donation to GCU’s STEAM Fund. The STEAM Fund was launched to widen access and increase diversity into Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths-related programmes. 

Chris Haggis, Chief Operating Officer at Sabio Group, said: “We are passionate about developing our own talent and unearthing the next generation as well, so supporting this course in addition to the GCU’s STEAM Fund completely aligns with our values. 

“Glasgow Caledonian University is an outstanding University, and one that is internationally renowned. It is a pleasure to support not only their STEAM Fund – which is a really special initiative – but also the course and the students as well. 

“We are really pleased to be able to sponsor and support GCU and are looking forward to working with some of the brightest technology-minded talents to come out of Scotland as part of this sponsorship.” 

Donations from sponsors of the STEAM Fund – such as Sabio – enable the University to enhance the work already being undertaken by the School in encouraging a more diverse and inclusive talent pipeline. 

The funding this year has meant that a further 40 places have been able to be offered to school pupils aged between 15-17 years old. This is part of the GCU’s flagship outreach programme – the Caledonian Club – which is a partnership with schools around Glasgow based in communities where there is low or no uptake to higher education. 

Jillian Watt, Director of Foundation, Alumni and Events at GCU, said: “We are very grateful to our industry sponsors, including Sabio, who support the annual School of Computing, Engineering & Built Environment Prize Giving, providing our talented student winners with awards as well as contributing financially to our STEAM Fund. 

“Our University is proud to be a leader in widening access and STEAM topics already form a critical part of our core outreach programmes. 

“The STEAM Fund will continue to enable us to deliver outreach activity in partnership with industry that provides tangible results, as well as building on our programme of STEAM scholarships and awards to help drive forward a skilled and diverse workforce for the future.” 



Joe O’Brien 

Corporate Communications and PR Manager 

Sabio Group 

+44 (0) 7825 170269 

[email protected]