Does Brexit mean CXit?
08/19/2021 13:57

2020/21 will remain memorable for the disruption caused by COVID-19 and most probably Brexit.
Contact centres have already been tested in terms of a frenzied pivot to homeworking and coping with significant fluctuations in customer demand. Digital first agendas have moved into the fast lane. Self-service and proactive customer engagement are being scaled to protect the limited availability of live assistance. And mental health is a trending concern for many, whether as a customer or employee.
If there is one overriding lesson from the pandemic it is that risk management matters. Especially concerning unforeseen threats. A striking comment from our CX Realities Report, which polled organisation reaction to the pandemic, perfectly captured this business continuity challenge.
As part of BCP planning we’ve planned for fire flood, office closure etc - we’d never planned for restriction of movement (I think like lots of people)
- big learning in terms of restriction of people.
The consequences of being unprepared are clear to see. It has been a Darwinian year. Even the fittest organisations are needing extraordinary resilience to keep pace with
the knock-on effects of a global shift in the pattern of daily life. Customer service bears the brunt of how customers are reacting to it.
Highlights of the White Paper:
- Type of Brexit
- The Mood of the Nation
- Developing A Brexit Service Strategy
- No Deal Brexit Scenarios (Food & Water Shortages, Healthcare, Visiting The EU, New Rules and Standards)
- Does Brexit Mean CXit?