Why Choose MaaS for your Contact Centre?

08/20/2021 08:32

Why Choose MaaS for your Contact Centre?

Monitoring as a Service (MaaS) is an advanced proactive and predictive monitoring service designed to keep an eye on all of your Contact Centre applications, integrations and services.

Sabio MaaS is combined with our own support expertise and knowledge to actively pinpoint the common failure scenarios and raise the alarm before a service outage is experienced. This proactive services allows the Sabio Support Centre to respond and prevent the situation from causing costly downtime.

Download the Brochure

Key highlights of the Brochure include:

  • Evolution of Technology and how systems should be supported and monitored
  • MaaS Applications Metrics and Performance Management
  • Event Identification and Alerting correlated by MaaS
  • Reducing downtime by verifying system changes
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Did you know?
Sabio is Spanish for 'wise', and is associated with King Alfonso X 'El Sabio' (1221-1284).
The name Sabio reflects the importance we place on the quest for knowledge, achievement and embracing the benefits of the diversity.
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