Vodafone includes WhatsApp as a new customer service channel by incorporating a chatbot

01/05/2022 09:36

Vodafone is a clear example of a company that is a pioneer in the use of Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language at its contact centre.

Vodafone includes WhatsApp as a new customer service channel by incorporating a chatbot

Sabio has been working with Vodafone since 2011 to create and develop its Voicebot through projects like MyVoice, enabling the company to redefine its conversation assistant and adapt it to the customer. To achieve this, the company has once again entrusted us with the project to help it reach the next level and strengthen its multichannel strategy by means of a Whatsapp bot.


The main objective of the project is to provide fast and effective service to Vodafone customers. WhatsApp is ideal in this sense as it is an app which they are already fully familiar with. This means that any communication with Vodafone via the NLU voice recognition model is straightforward for both parties.


  • Daily customer use of the channel is set to increase from hundreds to thousands of daily contacts in the coming months.
  • The Bot has already achieved 98.5% correct enquiry recognition, whilst the percentage of self-managed enquiries has risen to 95% for customers who contact Vodafone via WhatsApp
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