
Statement on COVID19 Coronavirus

The safety of people — clients, employees, suppliers, and office visitors — is our No. 1 priority. We have instituted the following policies and procedures related to the coronavirus.

Sabio Terms and Conditions for the Procurement of Goods and/or Services

These Terms apply to the procurement of goods, software and/or services by Sabio Ltd (or its relevant group company) from suppliers, unless a separate fully signed and effective written agreement is in place between the parties governing the purchase.

Privacy Policy

We are committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal data. Sabio is made up of different trading companies, details of which can be found below.

Cookie Policy

In this section you will find information about the cookies that may be set when you visit this website and how to reject or delete those cookies.

Anti-Slavery Policy

This is the anti-slavery policy statement of Sabio Ltd and its group companies.

Anti-Slavery Statement

Sabio Ltd and its group of companies (“Sabio”) takes combatting slavery and human trafficking seriously.

Anti-Bribery Policy

This policy outlines Sabio’s position on preventing and prohibiting bribery, in accordance with the Bribery Act 2010.

Information Security Policy

The purpose of this policy document is to set out the minimum information security requirements expected of third parties who intend to carry out any work for or on behalf of Sabio Ltd.

Terms of Use

This website is provided and operated by Sabio Ltd subject to the following Terms of Use.

Sabio Terms and Conditions of Supply

These Terms apply to the supply of goods, software and/or services by Sabio Ltd and its group companies (except Sabio France), unless a separate, fully signed and effective written agreement is in place between the parties governing the supply.

Conditions générales de vente Sabio France

Les présentes Conditions s'appliquent à la fourniture de biens, de logiciels et/ou de services par Sabio France, à moins qu'un accord cadre ne soit en place entre les parties régissant la fourniture.

Condiciones Generales de contratacion para España

Estos términos y condiciones son de aplicación a los clientes que adquieren bienes y servicios de SABIO IBERICA SAU.

Canal de denuncias e información de irregularidades Sabio Ibérica S.A.

En Sabio Ibérica S.A. estamos comprometidos con desarrollar nuestra actividad bajo los más altos estándares y valores como la honradez e integridad.

Sabio Group Code of Conduct

In this section you will find a full document listing Sabio Group's Code of Conduct.

Sabio Code De Conduite

Dans cette section, vous trouverez un document complet énumérant le code de conduite du groupe Sabio.

Código De Conducta Sabio

En esta sección encontrará un documento completo que recoge el Código de Conducta del Grupo Sabio.

Wellbeing App Terms and Conditions

In this section you will find the Terms and Conditions for AppFoundry - Wellbeing App.

Disrupt 2024 Giveaway Terms and Conditions

These terms describe the conditions on which you may participate in and potentially win the competition PRIZE DRAW FOR REGISTRATION competition, as described in more detail herein.

Time-Off Balance App Terms and Conditions

In this section you will find the Terms and Conditions for the Time-Off Balance App.