GDPR – more of an opportunity than a threat?

According to new research from the DMA, despite 74% of marketers believing that they were at least somewhat prepared for the EU’s GDPR General Data Protection Regulation, a troubling 15% of businesses admitted that they still had no plan in place.

GDPR – more of an opportunity than a threat?

Despite the fact that fines for non-compliance with GDPR could potentially rise to 4% of global turnover (or €20 million), it’s perhaps surprising that so many organisations are still not addressing the responsibilities that come with their GDP obligations. And with just eight months left until GDPR comes into force, the clock is clearly ticking.

However, as Edo’s Head of User Experience Alex Barker explained at our recent ‘The Art of CX’ Conference, GDPR shouldn’t be treated as an imposition – it’s actually a great opportunity for organisations to get their data in order by creating (often for the first time) a single customer view that actually integrates marketing and operational data.

In this week’s SabioSense we highlight Microsoft’s renewed focus on AI, examine the elevated expectations of millennials, look at the exponential growth in AI performance, and also question whether chatbots would be liable to a Robot Tax.

  • Microsoft ditches mobile emphasis to focus on AI – After 3 years with ‘mobile-first and cloud-first’ as it’s core positioning, Microsoft now talks of an ‘intelligent cloud, and an intelligent edge – infused with AI’ in its company vision statement. It’s like Windows Phone and the Nokia acquisition never even happened.
  • Millennials just a finger swipe from going elsewhere – According to ‘Millennial Generation Expert’ Ryan Jenkins, millennials aren’t entitled – they just have ‘elevated expectations’. So in a world where Uber is a standard, not an innovation, the pressure’s now on for businesses to deliver seamless and effortless experiences.
  • Machine learning helps AlphaGo Zero AI program wipe out its predecessor – Only 18 months ago Google’s DeepMind AlphaGo program defeated the world’s top Go player. This week, however, the latest AlphaGo Zero program defeated its predecessor by 100 games to zero. That’s exponential AI in action!
  • Will chatbots be liable to a Robot Tax? – Following on from Labour’s discussion around a new generation of ‘robot taxes’ to offset the impact of wider automation, this article examines whether today’s chatbots might be liable.
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Sabio is Spanish for 'wise', and is associated with King Alfonso X 'El Sabio' (1221-1284).
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