Wellbeing starts with your workplace, not your people

07/19/2023 09:30

Your people are the heartbeat of your business, care for them and they will better serve your customers. Supporting the wellbeing of your employees is now an obligation - not just a ‘nice to have’.

Wellbeing starts with your workplace, not your people


It isn’t as simple as our agents “not being able to hack it”. The role of the agent has changed, but old processes and expectations are causing problems for those working on the front line. 

With automation and technology now handling a growing proportion of repetitive, simpler tasks, advisors are being left to handle only the more urgent, complex and emotional customer journey interactions. 


Sabio’s Wellbeing Programme is underpinned by a unique psychosocial model. The model maps data across the four key areas that impact workplace wellbeing: Pressures, Emotions, Behaviours and Boosts.

Our Sabio Wellbeing Programme has three core components:

  1. Consultancy - shines a spotlight on your wellbeing strategy through an 8-12 week discovery with our experts
  2. Technology - includes a virtual wellbeing companion that provides actionable insights through dashboards for all levels within the organisation
  3. Success Management - our ongoing wellbeing engagement and includes quarterly training, Companion content refinements and action plans to nurture wellbeing.


  • Increase in employee engagement
  • Improved customer service
  • Positive impact on organisation's reputation
  • Reduced attrition
  • Attracting and retaining talent.
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Did you know?
Sabio is Spanish for 'wise', and is associated with King Alfonso X 'El Sabio' (1221-1284).
The name Sabio reflects the importance we place on the quest for knowledge, achievement and embracing the benefits of the diversity.
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